AgroBee e o selo de produto polinizado: como a sustentabilidade é um diferencial no mercado de café.
AgroBee e o selo de produto polinizado: como a sustentabilidade é um diferencial no mercado de café. A polinização é
AgroBee e o selo de produto polinizado: como a sustentabilidade é um diferencial no mercado de café. A polinização é
Os citros (laranjas, tangerinas, limas, limões e pomelos) são as frutas mais produzidas e consumidas em escala global, sendo cultivadas
A melancia representa um importante segmento do agronegócio brasileiro, sendo considerada a terceira fruta mais produzida no País, gerando um
Increase the productivity and quality of your crop with bees help
AgroBee’s mission is to promote integration in the countryside between farmers and beekeepers, a relationship of mutual gains, promoting sustainable agriculture and preserving the environment. More than 70% of agricultural crops depend at some level on the pollination process carried out by bees, nature’s main pollinating agents. AgroBee brings technology and innovation to introduce a new efficient management in the countryside, with technique and safety
Application developed with the purpose of connecting bee keepers with producers through technology 4.0 with artificial intelligence in a practical and safe way
Get access to all your agricultural crops with real-time forecasts.
Manage your farm from anywhere and pollinate your crops at any time
With pollination orders you can allocate your hives to a crop and generate income.
Check your hives from anywhere and evaluate your colonies with our AI.
Download now from the app stores and start pollinating!
2022 Award Winner:
Learn about our services and Agrobee’s outcomes in assisted and intelligent pollination in various agricultural crops.
Considering the culture, area and surroundings of the farm, we offer the most adequate pollination, selecting the bee species and the necessary management to guarantee the increase of quality and agricultural production.
Discover the best practices on beekeeping and how you can improve the life’s quality of your colonies and their substrates, download our manuals now.
SustentaBeelidade AgroBee Program provides the opportunity to participate in environmental activities for other segments.
ODS Achieved by the SustentaBeelidade program
Stamps that add sustainable marketing for your brand.
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